Simple Truths

14 Simple Truths About Success

  Success is such a loaded word. It has meaning and weight. Here are 14 simple truths about success. There is no shortage of people who will tell you what (they believe) success is. You don’t even need to look very far to find another definition of success – they’re everywhere. There are almost as […]

6 Simple Truths About Forgiveness

  I’ve been hurt. Wounded by the actions of others, as well as by my own. I’ve been bruised and battered, and left lying bleeding in the gutter. Haven’t we all? It’s easy, at least for some of us, to hang onto those wounded feelings. Which can all too easily turn into resentment and bitterness. […]

5 Simple Truths About The Size on Clothing Labels

  I’ve met many women who assign a significant meaning to the size or number on their clothing labels. The bigger the number, the worse they feel. One woman I know refused to purchase a jacket she wanted and would wear because the only size that fit her had “16” in the label. No matter […]

8 Simple Truths About Enoughness

This is a topic I have grappled with a lot over the last 5 years. I’ve learned a lot about enoughness during that time. Here are 8 simple truths about enoughness. We each get to choose what is enough for us, in every area of our lives. Your enoughness point may be different to mine. Or we […]

7 Simple Truths About Discount Shopping

  It’s a myth that the only people who ever find themselves in shopping (or credit) hot water are those who spend money on big ticket items or luxuries. Here are 7 simple truths about discount shopping. It’s not the dollar amount that you spend that determines how healthy a shopping purchase or expedition is. […]

4 Simple Truths About Strength

  You don’t have to feel strong to be strong. It’s a paradox but it’s true. I’m sure you can think of some time in your life when you didn’t feel especially strong or courageous, ad yet you behaved in a strong or courageous way. You just did it – despite feeling weak or unprepared […]

8 Simple Truths About Shoes

Shoes, glorious shoes! What IS it about shoes? Shoes are far more than functional. At least for many of us, shoes are a form of self-expression, of beauty, of aspiration. We want to be the woman who’s wearing these shoes! Shoe styles communicate. They tell us what era they are from. They tell us something […]

8 Simple Truths About Perfectionism

  Being perfect isn’t possible. No matter how hard you try, how much time you put in, how much sweat and blood pours from your brow with the exertion of it all, being perfect and creating a perfect result is not possible 99.9% of the time for the majority of us mere mortals. You can […]

8 Simple Truths About Luxuries

  According to a luxury is A refinement of living rather than a necessity An indulgence… in addition to those necessary A pleasure out of the ordinary A foolish or worthless form of self-indulgence These lead me to these 8 simple truths about luxuries Luxuries are, by definition, not necessary. We can live without […]

7 Simple Truths About Sales

Sale is quite literally a 4-letter word. Sale can be figuratively… well, not exactly a 4-letter word (a swear word or profanity) exactly, but certainly a word that evokes a strong reaction. One that inspires a sense of urgency to your buying behaviour. This is deliberate on behalf of the seller. Sales can be genuine […]