Stop Shopping and Live Your Life [No.52]

Posted by Jill Chivers in Living Your Life

Every Wednesday for the last 52 weeks, I’ve been sharing with you ideas and inspiration for things you can do to bring joy, calm and fulfilment into your life…  instead of shopping.

I hope you enjoyed this series, and it inspired, and continues to inspire, you to think of your own and other ways to live your life more fully and on your own terms.

Remember that Life is to be lived, not spent.

And your life is too precious for anything  less than to be deeply and richly lived, every moment of every day.  And I know firsthand that life, real and wonderful, isn’t found in buying more and more stuff, or spending more time in the mall.

52- know that everything changes

And you are most welcome to share these beautiful, fun and inspirational postcards.  I only ask that you share them in their entirety/without any cropping or editing.

You can find them all in Living Your Life.

For more inspiration and ideas on living, not spending your life, check out the daily postcards at Shop Less And Live More.

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